Sunday, January 4, 2015

My Reading List from 2014

A short summary of the books I've read in 2014, some for research related to this site and other (including work) projects, some for entertainment.  This doesn't include about 100 research papers.

Scientific & Technical

Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration
Buzz Aldrin outlines a scenario for sending humans to colonize Mars on a regular basis.  I have an autographed copy.
Buzz Aldrin, Leonard David1426210175
Astronomy-Inspired Atomic and Molecular Physics (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
Explorations in atomic physics inspired by solutions to problems in astrophysics. It will provide more information for my next iteration of "Cosmos in Your Pocket".
A.R. Rau1402004672
Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython
Wes McKinney1449319793
Is Mars Habitable?
In 1907, Alfred Russel Wallace examines Percival Lowell's ideas of a Mars teeming with life. A fascinating examination of just how much we knew about Mars in the early 1900s.
Alfred Russel
Introduction to Comets (Cambridge Planetary Science)
This book was one of my primary references for tracking down resources to deal with Electric Comet claims. It has also provided substantial information for some Young-Earth creationist comet claims.
John C. Brandt, Robert D. Chapman0521004667
Comets: A Chronological History of Observation, Science, Myth, and Folklore
This book was one of my primary references for tracking down resources to deal with Electric Comet claims. It has also provided substantial information for some Young-Earth creationist comet claims.
Donald K. Yeomans0471610119


Invisible Light or The Electric Theory of Creation
I posted a review and analysis of this book here
George Woodward Warder


Hitler's Gift: The True Story of the Scientists Expelled by the Nazi Regime
An examination of the physicists, chemists, biologists, and doctors expelled by the anti-semitic and anti-science policies of the Nazi regime. Many of these people would make dramatic scientific contributions for the United States and other Allied countries.
J. S Medawar, David Pyke1611457092

Book Club & Other Fiction

Red Harvest
Dashiell Hammett
The Razor's Edge W. Somerset Maugham1400034205
Nine Stories J. D. Salinger0316769509
The Martian: A Novel
Robinson Caruso on Mars, updated for the era of space-flight. Under development as a movie (The Martian).
Andy Weir0804139024
Ready Player One: A Novel Ernest Cline0307887448
Islands of Space
An early sci-fi novel of interstellar exploration.
John W. CampbellWikipedia


Anonymous said...


I've just recently stumbled upon your blog in my quest for some useful information regarding EU theories. It's been excellent reading, however I was wondering if you could direct me towards anything pertaining to EU's SAFIRE Project. Ive been curious to know if it's bravely forging into the unknown or just retreading well worn steps.


PS - Ready Player One was great.

W.T."Tom" Bridgman said...

To Anonymous,

There's some discussion of the SAFIRE project in the Electric Comet thread on the International Skeptics Forum.

It appears to start on January 1, 2013 and I responded to it on January 3, 2013. Others have provided some interesting insights on this 'experiment' as well.

So...What Happened?

Wow.  It's been over eight years since I last posted here... When I stepped back in August 2015,...